Friday, July 18, 2008

mal day responce to active support of friends

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as all are aware this matter of mine has been happening since 2006, and i have conatcted iss on a number of occaision now seeking the damages that they owe for there direct attacks on me personally in my employement,
a supporter who name has been removed for her protection contacted iss and informed them she supports my cause, what one person says 300 think,
mal responded with the following.
please read on, i had the message released to me for my use on this site,Date: 18 Jul 2008, 02:52 PMthis is what someone called mal sent-send emails to- My name is Mal Day and I am the ISS Group Company Secretary. I am responding to your email (copied below) on behalf of Charles Blinkworth who is currently travelling interstate and unfortunately not able to respond in person today. As Company Secretary, I am responsible for advising and assisting Charles on such matters.ISS is not in a position to respond to you in relation to matters relating to Mr Troy Aggett – such matters are private and confidential between ISS and Mr Aggett, however I can advise that we have made various invitations to meet with Mr Aggett to which Mr Aggett has either refused or failed to respond.Mr Aggett has been notified of the method by which any of his concerns are to be communicated to ISS.Please can I ask that if you have a specific grievance in relation provide the specific details to us for our consideration together with your full name and contact details.Please forward any correspondence directly to me rather than Mr Blinkworth.Kind regards,Malas you would all be aware the only offer for a meeting was removed when iss applied for there gage order,, but he states there were a number of offeres the only one offered was so iss could put there legal position forward and there would be stricktly no talk of compensation.
but iss did not stop there they made a complaint against hayley fabe in her new employment claiming she was poaching staff even though she was not in a position to hire of fire anyone,
now she is again being attacked this time by ADF who in a written commication share staff with ISS security.

Posted on Friday, July 18, 2008, 03:12 AM (UTC -4)

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