Saturday, July 19, 2008

iss attack a second person

iss security have attacked a second person, the informaion has beens supported by evidence obtained through freedom of information.

Friday, July 18, 2008

mal day responce to active support of friends

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as all are aware this matter of mine has been happening since 2006, and i have conatcted iss on a number of occaision now seeking the damages that they owe for there direct attacks on me personally in my employement,
a supporter who name has been removed for her protection contacted iss and informed them she supports my cause, what one person says 300 think,
mal responded with the following.
please read on, i had the message released to me for my use on this site,Date: 18 Jul 2008, 02:52 PMthis is what someone called mal sent-send emails to- My name is Mal Day and I am the ISS Group Company Secretary. I am responding to your email (copied below) on behalf of Charles Blinkworth who is currently travelling interstate and unfortunately not able to respond in person today. As Company Secretary, I am responsible for advising and assisting Charles on such matters.ISS is not in a position to respond to you in relation to matters relating to Mr Troy Aggett – such matters are private and confidential between ISS and Mr Aggett, however I can advise that we have made various invitations to meet with Mr Aggett to which Mr Aggett has either refused or failed to respond.Mr Aggett has been notified of the method by which any of his concerns are to be communicated to ISS.Please can I ask that if you have a specific grievance in relation provide the specific details to us for our consideration together with your full name and contact details.Please forward any correspondence directly to me rather than Mr Blinkworth.Kind regards,Malas you would all be aware the only offer for a meeting was removed when iss applied for there gage order,, but he states there were a number of offeres the only one offered was so iss could put there legal position forward and there would be stricktly no talk of compensation.
but iss did not stop there they made a complaint against hayley fabe in her new employment claiming she was poaching staff even though she was not in a position to hire of fire anyone,
now she is again being attacked this time by ADF who in a written commication share staff with ISS security.

Posted on Friday, July 18, 2008, 03:12 AM (UTC -4)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

security lives up to its name

Man detained after crashing through Brisbane Airport gate
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By Robyn Ironside
July 17, 2008 07:54am
A MAN who allegedly drove his car on to Brisbane airfield after crashing through a security barrier is undergoing psychiatric assessment.
The Australian Federal Police said the man would not face charges.
Australian Federal Police detained the man after he was found in his car near the Virgin Blue hangar just after 9:30 last night.
AFP and Queensland police officers questioned witnesses to the alleged security breach.
It is understood the man suffers from a medical condition and no charges have been laid. Airport operations were unaffected despite the security breach, she said. - with Alex Dickinson
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Brisbane Airport fence breach raises concerns
July 17, 2008, 7:15 pm
Queensland Police Minister Judy Spence says state and federal authorities will speak to the Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) about a security breach last night.
Police say a 39-year-old man drove his car through a security gate and onto the tarmac.
He was questioned by Federal Police but was not charged.
He was taken to hospital for medical assessment.
Ms Spence says it is a cause for concern.
"So that obviously presents a serious security concern for the Brisbane Airport Corporation and just is quite frightening how simple something like that can occur," she said.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Commonweatlth Ombudsman denies knowledge

After I approached the Commonwealth Ombudsman with the knowledge that ISS Grievance Officer Niel Pitkin had complained to there office about the slow reaction the AFP was having in addressing such serious alligation, Demonstrating that Neil Pitkin was infact after my employment, The commonwealth Ombudsman out rightly new that a claim was made as i have a copy of there communications, but when responding to me i was informed in writing in particular that there was never a complaint lodged by ISS security or it representitives, the ombudsman supplied a letter that clearly shows a search of there data base which states ISS Security Pty Limited, the very same security company that has attacked my employment to the point i felt i could no longer represent the AFP after the AFP had made claims that i was of criminal Nature or intent, solely based on the claims made by ISS Security and its representitives.

instead of the AFP supporting its employees, the australian federal police thought it appropriate to offer ISS Security a deal to assist the security company to lift its credability in the security industry, after the damage that was caused when both hayley and myself refused to accept ISS Security was acting appropriatly as a security firm, I firmly believe and have the evidence ISS Security was not acting in good faith and this was demonstrated my the direct actions of ISS security management all the up the chain to Charles Blinkworth,

I went as far to advise the head office of ISS world but they again failed to act,
with little or no consideration to the safety of the general public here in Australia, and with little interest to put a stop to the tyrants who believe that the laws of Australia do not apply to them.

see ISS Security -v- Troy AGGETT supreme court ,,
this transcipts demonstrates the fact Troy Aggett clearly states to the court that ISS Management was lying to the supreme court, statements under oath and in particular were nothing more than lies. General Manager Peter Beadle states, ISS Security has never been fined under any state or territory legislation, yet they were infact fined in the northen territory for using guards that were not licenced,

see also ISS Security and workcover, Hayley Fabe, this transcript even in reading demonstrates the lenghts ISS management went to to lie to the commission in relation to the facts.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

iss make a complaint to ADF against Hayely fabe for poaching

although Hayley was not in a position to hire of fire any one yet ISS security alledged she was poaching.

and here i thought ISS Security and ADF were competitors.

Friday, July 11, 2008

site has been released

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Sat Jul 12 04:28:56 2008
Sat Jul 12 04:30:56 2008
Re: frozen page [troy45]
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Dear Freewebs User,
Thank you for complying with our Terms-of-Service. The suspension has been removed from your
account. Your site should be active within the hour. Should future violations be found, your
account will be deleted.
Best Regards,
----------------- Original Message -----------------
dear sir,
i have contacted free webs in relation to me frozen page,
i assert to you i have not breeched your conditions and have not defamed any person on the
defimation is slanderous and untrue,
i have successfully defended my lawful right to have this page on the world wide web in a 6
hour trial in the australian federal supreme court.
i ask who the complaint came from so i may re-address the federal supreme court for going
against his decission.
i seek that you reinstate my lawful web page that is of little or no interest to you.
this is a public page and is of a high public awareness issue that is being addressed but
this page ensures my safety.
with out the page i am in grave fear of reprisal.
Thank you Troy
please see troy AGGETT -v-ISS Security Federal supreme court and the ruling.
i have not breeched this order and the information displayed has been released under the
freedom of information act,
in consideration of this i will await your decission befor going to the press about you
stopping freedom of speech. espeacially when it is freedom of speach in a lawful manner.

freewebs froze my page due to a complaint

the free webs page was frozen, after a complaint that it was deflamatory, defimation only happens if you dont tell the truth,
this is an all facts web page and i am now making a hundred more to replace it.

lets see you shut down every one of those, this will no go away.... i am here for the long haul,

new information, ISS SECURITY are sharing staff with ADF security and have attacked hayley in her new employment claiming she was poaching staff from ISS Security,

a complaint to the ACCC is now in progress.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

iss world were aware and did nothing

iss world CEO charles Blinkworth knew what his lower management was doing and did nothing allowing the harassment to continue unchecked.

commonwealth ombudsman now in disrepute.

the commonwealth ombudsman claims that they did not recieve any complaint from iss security..
seems they are in on the game will no government departments stand up and be honest these days,
i have a copy of the complaints already, the very complaints i was confirming the ombudsman recieved, but instead the ombudsman is in on the games.

iss denies knowledge

iss security lawyers EMA Lawyers have now claimed that here client can not say that they ever did anything, in fact they may have well said Troy Aggett who ? the deny everything
seems a;ll the investigations and alligations from ISS Security must have been a grave missunderstanding, no one seems to remember,

now even the commonwealth ombudsman seems to not remember recieving any complaints from ISS security about my, lucky i have a copy already huh.....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

ISS SECURITY _V_ TROY AGGETT some one is not happy jan

some one has complained that the web site on free webs is deflamatory,, is that when you say untrue things,, then it is in there court to prove they are untrue,

the fact that i have all the information addressing my statement is proof enough on who is the liars,,,,,,,,