Wednesday, June 25, 2008

iss world the truth

To the Honorable PM.
I have been slandered attacked and defamed, I have lost my career and my home, all for you as your humble employee with the Australian Federal Police,
I have tried the lawful process of having ISS Security CEO Charles Blinkworth some I believe you know, charge with obstruction, but instead the Australian federal Police use me as a pawn to score a deal with ISS Security in a contract.

I seek from you, your personal attention to this matter, I have fought ISS lawyers in the supreme court on my own and have had them attack me for three years with out provocation.

will you as the priminister of this country stand for me and all ISS security Management have hurt defamed and attacked. will you hold the unlawful actions of this company to task,

I only ask as I am sure that they have an input into this country security against terror, they are not securing our boarders and have little interest in our security,

the organization is more intent on attacking genuine hard workers of this country who have lawful authority to hold them to task,

they have infiltrated the Australian Federal Police, and there now needs to be questions asked as to how deep they have reached, the Australian Federal Police have out rightly stated that they must protect there friendship with ISS security,

now why is out last line of defense bowing to the request of ISS Security.

will you as prime minister take a stand and make the CEO accountable for the actions that they have done against me and many others.

I was going to set a protest out the front of ISS offices but I thought I would address you first,

in failing to have you as prime minister take a stand we will protest in canberra out the front of your office, at a cost of $5000, we all have focused on addressing ISS security and we have all taken a great loss due to there direct action,,

google troy AGGETT and look for iss attack afp officer the truth,,

read for yourself, the site is only young and it will grow by the day.

we have no option but to hold you as the PM accountable for the actions of ISS security as it is you allowing them to continue to act in positions that threaten us all.
troy aggett

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